When Did Trolling Become Inextricably Linked With Pedophilia?
Discord has created a vast online subculture of "ironic" pedophiles, sadists, and degenerates - and, most disturbingly, the majority of them are underage children

When I was in prison, I made it very well-known that I was an enemy of sex offenders, and I often got in trouble for it. I was shipped out of Coleman FCC Medium when SIS determined that I posed a threat to the sex offenders on the yard, and I was the go-to person for running sex offenders off of the yard at Terre Haute FCI. Since my release from prison, I have tried to carry on that tradition and fight pedophiles online. I’ve organized numerous raids on pedophiles and have taken an active role in protecting kids from predators. I’ve also worked actively to get child porn removed from the internet, filing reports with ISPs, the FBI, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

When I was a kid, I liked to troll pedophiles on chatrooms by pretending to be a little girl, getting pedophiles to say a bunch of sexual shit to me, and then telling them that I was actually a Perverted Justice agent coming to arrest them. It worked every single time, and it never failed to be absolutely hilarious. Making sexual predators have panic attacks is good for the soul.
Yes, everyone who knows anything about me knows that I was, for many years, the most prolific troll in internet history. My trolling career dates back to childhood and it, of course, eventually resulted in my arrest in 2015 (more information about that can be found in the 2019 public statement that I published from prison). However, I honestly shudder to think of how much worse I would have turned out had I been born, say, 15 years later.
One thing that I've noticed since I've gotten out of prison is that it's recently become quite common on the internet for people (especially kids) to spam genuine illegal CSAM just to get a rise out of people. Spamming gore and animal cruelty just for laughs has also become much more common. Discord has created an entire culture of "ironic" sadism and degeneracy that attention-seeking youth (and not just boys) have latched onto. I can only imagine how profoundly fucked up these kids are going to be once they reach adulthood (although many of them will probably be dead or in prison before then). Can you even imagine being so desperate for attention that you're actually willing to post genuine illegal CSAM just to get a rise out of people? At that point, there is zero hope left for you and you simply need to be put out of your misery.
Obviously, I know that shock culture was always a thing on the internet. I remember it vividly. However, spamming actual CSAM did not become common until the last few years. In the '90s and '00s, kids were spamming pictures of gaping assholes and people eating shit. Today, kids are spamming genuine baby rape images. It's simply not the same.
Take, for example, an internet subculture known as “foodists”. While I really hate linking to a putrid swamp like Kiwi Farms as a source, they have numerous extensive threads about foodists and foodist associates - most notably this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one. Foodists are also well-documented on the Soyjak Wiki, such as here, here, and here (the last one being an article that I myself wrote). With all of the eloquence that you would expect, the Soyjak Wiki describes the foodists as “a type of failtrolls named after an infamous former YouTube troll named Foodistzen who are notorious for doxing random e-celebs over Shit Nobody Cares About, making fun of dead people, spamming animal and child gore and 'p [child porn], grooming minors into self-harm, and other similar activities. They tend to be between 8-14 years old (yes, really).”
Since I have gotten out of prison, I have, unfortunately, had many online encounters with foodists. They frequently spam imageboards with the most horrific child porn, gore, and zoosadism known to exist - which they do just for laughs - and most of them are children themselves. On rDrama (a truly insufferable edgelord failtroll community that I am deeply embarrassed to admit that I was once a part of), there was a notorious incident where I discussed the CSAM spam on imageboards in a chat and then a foodist user known as Patsy attempted to smear me as a pedophile with out-of-context screencaps of the chatlog. The original, unedited chatlogs are below:
As I stated in those chatlogs that were later taken out of context and twisted for trolling purposes by the very foodists who I was talking about, the use of genuine illegal CSAM for trolling purposes was not really much of a thing prior to my 2015 arrest. I’ve been told that, when gore stopped getting reactions, trolls began using CSAM, as it is the one thing that is absolutely guaranteed to always get a reaction. Depravity of that magnitude is something that, even at the height of my internet trolling career, I never would have even entertained the thought of engaging in. It’s something that, quite frankly, I find to be profoundly sickening.
People always say that the internet from when I was a kid in the early '00s was like the wild west, but I honestly think the internet is a much scarier and meaner place than it was circa 2006. The so-called "epidemic" of grooming on MySpace and IRC was really not an epidemic at all; there were actually only a few scattered cases. Discord, however, has not only created a vast culture of pedophiles and degenerates, but it has also created a similarly vast culture of people LARPing as pedophiles and degenerates "ironically". In 2006, there were, of course, people pretending to be pedophiles just to get a rise out of others, but they didn't go nearly as far as the ones today do. I never heard of anyone spamming actual CSAM just for laughs when I was a kid. That level of degeneracy is a pretty new thing. And, as previously stated, what makes it even more disturbing is that most of the people doing it are children themselves. If I was fucked up from what I saw on the internet when I was a kid, then I cannot even imagine how fucked up these kids are going to be. The preteen me was constantly saying outrageous shit to piss people off and spamming shit like Goatse and Last Measure, but that's extremely tame compared to what kids today are doing. There is simply zero hope for these kids.
It's der 'cord. I genuinely think that app is cursed by actual demons because for some reason it has a poisonous aura that almost always causes people to turn into degenerates from prolonged usage. Also us iFunniers have a foodist fat pedo named jeffstein coaling the app and is too amoral and obsessed to boot off (plus a few people still support him for whatever retarded reason)
Discord is one of the worst advancements in online video game/social media AAV culture. The most depraved weird/cornball shit is always stemming from there. Hate niggas that be on that shit